Free Prevention of Diabetes & Lifestyle Course
Are You At Risk Of Developing Diabetes?
– Overweight?
– A close relative with diabetes?
– High blood pressure?
– Had a stroke or heart attack?
– Polycystic ovaries?
– Had gestational diabetes or given birth to a baby over 10 lbs?
– Waist bigger than 31.5 inches (women) 37 inches (men)?
– Suffer from schizophrenia, bi-polar or depression or are you taking anti-psychotic medication?
Have you been told that you have pre-diabetes? and believe there is nothing you can do?
If so X-PERT Health (your local diabetes charity) invites you to attend an award-winning 6 week education course followed by 3 weeks with a personal trainer.
We will provide you with all the information you need to get you back on track.
If you are not sure, come to Week 1 and see how you get on!
Limited Places Available at Local Venues
Running from June 2016 until March 2017
For more information or to book your place on the course please email:
Alternatively call one of the team on 01422 847871