Cabinet Budget Proposals for Consultation 2017/18 to 2019/20

January 19, 2017

On Monday 16th January 2017, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet met and agreed its budget plans to 2019/20.

The budget shows what money is available for the Council to deliver its priorities and services over the next three years and how that money will be spent. On top of the savings plans already in place, the Council has to reduce expenditure by a further:

  • £0.3m in 2017/18;
  • £7.4m in 2018/19;
  • rising to £12.1m by 2019/20.

This means making difficult decisions on how to deliver services with less money, so they need your help!

You can read the overall consultation budget reports, savings proposals and equality impact assessment (EIA), below:

In summary they are proposing to:

  • raise Council Tax by 1.95% each year and add a 3% Social Care Precept on top for the next two years to pay for care for our vulnerable adult residents;
  • introduce better ways of working so they can provide services as efficiently as possible;
  • reduce the funding of some areas such as Public Health and the Voluntary Sector;
  • review service provision (for example in waste disposal) and as well as looking at how they can be more commercial in their approach;
  • invest £3.3m over 3 years including £600k to improve drainage and roads and £1m for children needing care.

Your comments and views are important

You can give your view by:

Alternatively, public meetings are currently being organised and these will be publicised when the final arrangements have been made. They are also planning to consult with partner organisations in the voluntary/community sector, bodies representing vulnerable groups and the business community.

Consultation on the budget proposals will run for four weeks and end on Monday 13th February 2017. It is important that as many stakeholders as possible comment on the proposals set out. If you can see better ways of balancing the books, then they want to hear your views and ideas. Final decisions will be made at the Annual Budget Council meeting on Monday 27th February 2017, which starts at 6pm.

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