Wheelchair services in Calderdale and Kirklees
In 2016, Healthwatch Calderdale became aware of some issues people were having with wheelchair services (provided by Opcare) and began to talk to people about their experience. At the end of October 2016, Healthwatch Kirklees were approached by a support group who work with parents of children with additional needs to ask if they could share their views on Opcare’s services. Healthwatch carried out a period of engagement during March/April 2017 and produced a report which shows the findings:
Engagement report for Opcare wheelchair services FINAL DRAFT
During October 2017, further engagement with Opcare’s stakeholders is taking place; this is to ensure that everyone who uses wheelchair services has opportunity to have their say, including carers for adults and staff who refer people to Opcare. Here is a link to the survey:
The deadline for completing the survey is 24 November 2017
On 29 November 2017, the Clinical Commissioning Group released the following statement on Opcare’s Wheelchair Services Joint statement from Clinical Commissioning Groups
The subject of wheelchair services was discussed at Kirklees Health Scrutiny meeting on 16 January 2018. Here’s a link to the papers which include the latest engagement report http://democracy.kirklees.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=570&MId=5433&Ver=4