During March and April 2019, we will be asking people to tell us about their experience of accessing the Single Point of Access (SPA) for adult mental health services in Kirklees and Calderdale.

By Clare Costello
Mental health

If you are involved with any mental health support groups and you’d like us to come along to tell you more about this work, please get in touch using the contact details above.


*Find the final report at the bottom of this page and the plan for improvement, which has been developed by the provider of the Single Point of Access (South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust).  Healthwatch are continuing to work in partnership with the Trust on this piece of work

Healthwatch are continuing to work in partnership with the Trust on this piece of work

Final Report Single Point of Access for adult mental health services in Kirklees and Calderdale Download File (pdf 908.05 KB)
Healthwatch SPA report - South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust response Download File (pdf 539.64 KB)
February 2020 - Report on findings from engagement and next steps - produced by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Download File (pdf 1.39 MB)

During March and April 2019, we will be asking people to tell us about their experience of accessing the Single Point of Access (SPA) for adult mental health services in Kirklees and Calderdale.

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